
I Need Your Help

Down in the footer on this blog, I list some sites in a blog roll of sorts that I visit daily. They are great blogs that cover all the topics they focus on in a way that I hope to be able to do when I grow up. One of them is Jonathan Meade, author of Illuminated Mind.

Jonathan's latest article, 10 Counterintuitive Ways to Improve Your Life, outlines 10 things that most self-help blogs and books leave out; and they are such important and powerful points that, without them, makes it impossible for any actual improvement in your life. This is a must read!

Being a constant reader of Illuminated Mind, Jonathan sent me a personal email yesterday to let me know that he felt that his 10 Points article important in helping people realize their goals in life, and he asked me for help getting the word out if I felt the same after reading it. I agree wholeheartedly! I gave the article a Digg and I would like to ask you to do the same if you feel as strongly about it as I do. Help Jonathan help as many people as possible!


  1. I have to check Jonathan out. BTW, thanks for the comment you've posted in my article about "THe Power of Blog Commenting and Some COmment Etiquettes. I love reading comments but don't recall having said I've received any spam comments. I don't have a problem with that now. Maybe you're referring the question to CYBERCELT, the first commenter.

    Yes, you're right! It's hard to retract once we've already hit the publish button and what's making it hard is if there's no option to delete. I have deleted a number of comments before not because of rudeness or nastiness though but it's usually typo and grammatical errors.

    I am having fun answering comments and I think we owe it to our commenters. I can not attend to them immediately though because of time constraints but I always try my best to post a reply.


  2. This blog and eyebald are both "do follow" blogs, so comments here are a link and a crawl, which increases popularity and traffic for both your blog and mine. The more traffic you get, the more eyes that see content and hopefully choose to return because it's so good, and those same eyes will see the advertising, which then pays off monetarily. All these systems like Entrecard, Digg, Technorati, StumbleUpon all work to enhance that relationship between blogger and commenter by increasing the eyes that see and hopefully comment - on the content. There's the circle, and the reason why I say "content is king."

    Thanks for commenting. Do stop by any time!

  3. What a terrific site. I've added them to my blogroll.
