
Out in the Back Yard

The cup runneth over yet again!

I'd like to introduce you to my latest project: Out in the Back Yard.

As time has afforded me a lot of practice with my camera, and enjoying a bit of success with it, I felt it was time to create a blog filled with my favorite photos. I take hundreds of photos each time the camera comes out of the bag, and a lot of good photos end up sitting on my hard drive, rarely looked at again. The best are usually published here or in the newspaper I work for, but there are a lot more that fall into the category of "the best" that don't quite make it to publication.

There's photos of animals, wildlife, the sky, the landscape, people, flowers, sunsets, sunrises.... So much to share!

Hence, Out in the Back Yard. Take a look and let me know what you think, ok?


  1. Thanks for posting the photographs. . . they are all very well done. . . I like the narrative aspect of what you've photographed. Most seem to come with a story.
